- Every pupil has been allotted a roll number This has also written in bill book. Kindly quote this number and his/her class in all correspondences to the school.
- Parents/Guardians are requested to sign the progress reports in the appropriate place at the time and to properly note the number of days their ward has been absent during the term.
- Parents/Guardians are also requested to notify the school of any change in address telephone Number.
- Examination results will be issued at the end of every term.
- The School is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings. It is inadvisable for boys and girls to bring valuables to school.
- Parents and Guardians are not allowed to see their children or meet teachers during school hours.
- School leaving Certificates will be issued only after all dues to the school have been cleared.
- All correspondence to the Principal should be addressed to him/her by designation and not by name.
- Parents are requested not to phone the school on days when there is heavy rain, suspension of public transport or any other emergency. The school will make every effort to contact the parent first. However, in case this is not possible, the School authorities will take the necessary remedial measures.
- Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave the School Premises or grounds during regular School hours. Permission to do so may be granted by the Principal.
- Pupils are required to take part in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities conducted under the House system. Attendance and Participation at such functions is compulsory
- If fees are in arrears, results will be withheld.
- Report cards will be kept in the custody of the school authorities and sent home after every examination.
- Report cards should be returned duly signed within three days of issue, else fines will be imposed
- Scratching, overwriting of tampering with the in the entry Report Card is strictly forbidden.
- Once a pupil misses a test/exam itwill not be taken again.
- In case of losing the Report Card a duplicate may be issued on payment of Rs. 50.
- Studets must have decent hair style, ohterwise they won't be allowed inside the school premises.